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Optimized Hi-Performance Enzymes

SeqOnce Amplification Master Mixes

Enzymes and buffers

SeqOnce master mixes and reagents accurately and efficiently amplify nucleic acid from your sample. Just add your SeqOnce probe and primer panel with your sample and the Master Mix and the reaction is ready to go. All master mixes feature HotStart DNA polymerase that remains completely inactive at room-temperature and is activated after only 2 minutes at 95°C. Master mixes with reverse transcriptase utilize a modified version of M-MLV reverse transcriptase with RNAse H activity deactivated and have increased thermal stability. 

For Research Use Only. Not intended for in vitro diagnostics. Not approved by the FDA.

Included in Amplification Kits

All amplification kits include nucleotides, buffers, and reagent-grade H2O and are compatible with SeqOnce primer and probe panels.

Made in America
Research Use Only

All amplification master mixes include nucleotides, buffers, and reagent-grade H2O.

Compatible with SeqOnce primer and probe panels for viral and microbiota nucleic acid amplification.

Optimized for SeqOnce primer and probe panels.

Product Name SKU# Description Reactions Storage
SeqOnce Amplification Kit SQAK1-200 Hot Start Taq polymerase Master Mix 200 -20°C
SeqOnce PLUS Amplification Kit SQPAK-200 HotStart Taq polymerase Master Mix with dUTP/UDG to reduce carry-over contamination risk 200 -20°C
SeqOnce PLUS Amplification Kit (300rxn) SQPAK-300 HotStart Taq polymerase Master Mix with dUTP/UDG to reduce carry-over contamination risk 300 -20°C
SeqOnce PLUS Amplification Kit (400rxn) SQPAK-400 HotStart Taq polymerase Master Mix with dUTP/UDG to reduce carry-over contamination risk 400 -20°C
SeqOnce OneStep RT-qPCR Amplification Kit SQOSAK-200 One-step reverse transcriptase in HotStart Taq polymerase Master Mix 200 -20°C
SeqOnce PLUS OneStep RT-qPCR Amplification Kit SQPOSAK-200 One-step reverse transcriptase in HotStart Taq polymerase Master Mix with dUTP/UDG to reduce carry-over contamination risk 200 -20°C