H5N1 qPCR Detection

H5N1 Avian Influenza Panel

H5N1 Bird Flu Assay

In response to increasing H5N1 bird flu concerns, SeqOnce Biosciences has developed a robust and versatile, single tube assay to screen both human and veterinary samples.

The H5N1 Avian Flu Panel is an RT-qPCR assay designed for qualitative, single tube multiplex in vitro assessment of nucleic acid from the H5 (Hemagglutinin 5 (HA) gene) and Influenza A M1 gene.  The H5 gene is designed to detect all known clades and variants of highly pathogenic avian Influenza (HPAI) A/H5N1, including the most recent human infectious strains.  The Influenza A assay has been shown to detect all known Hemagglutinin (HA) and Neuraminidase (NA) (H*N*) flu A subtypes via a highly conserved region of the M1 gene. The internal control is a proprietary multi species control that detects nucleic acid from most higher vertebrate species, including human, bovine, and avian DNA.

Compatible with a wide range of thermal cyclers and robotic liquid handlers.

Positive control included. Amplification reagents sold separately, see table below or contact us for more information.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for in vitro diagnostics. Not approved by the FDA.
Recommended interpretation
Pathogen Pan Flu (HEX) Pathogen H5 gene (FAM) SPRY1 Internal Control (ROX) Result Interpretation
- - - Invalid
- - + Pathogen Nucleic Acid not detected
- + +/- Inconclusive
+ + +/- Influenza H5 specific detected
+ - +/- Influenza A – Not H5 detected
Made in America
For Research Use Only

4 µL sample eluate from any nucleic acid extraction method that produces high quality DNA and RNA from desired sample type.

Performance to be verified and validated by laboratory.

H5 (Hemagglutinin 5 (HA) gene) – FAM

Influenza A (M1 gene) – HEX

Multispecies internal control – ROX

Primer and probe mix

Proprietary synthetic control

Amplification reagents sold separately

Recommended: SeqOnce OneStep RT-qPCR Multiplex Amplification Kit 1800 – PN 500030

40 cycles using default ramp rates. Total cycling time approximately 70 minutes

  1. RT Incubation 50°C 15 min
  2. Enzyme Activation 95°C 2 min
  3. Amplification: 40 cycles (95°C 3s, 58°C 30s)

Compatible with qPCR instruments capable of detection in FAM, HEX, and ROX fluorescence channels (or equivalent excitation / emission wavelengths).

Including but not limited to:

Bio-Rad CFX96/384, and Opus

Roche LightCycler 480 System

ABI QuantStudio 3, 5, 6, 7 and 12 and 7500 series

Product Name SKU# Samples Storage
H5N1 Bird Flu Panel 500029 200 -20°C
Recommended Products
Product Name SKU# Contents Storage
SeqOnce OneStep RT-qPCR Multiplex Amplification Kit 1800 500030 3 tubes of master mix -20°C
1 tube of nuclease free water

For more information see the Amplification Master Mix page.